Anne Hathaways Haircut In Les Miserables Hacked Off For Dramatic Scene Hollywood Li

Secrets Behind Anne Hathaway’s ‘Les Mis’ Haircut

Nicola says Anne called a halt as her hair was being chopped. “She was all right and I had cut all the front and this little voice went ‘cut’. I thought ‘oh she’s had enough’ so I moved my hands away and then she burst into tears when she felt how short it was at the front.”

“It was just before she got married there’s no wonder she bawled her eyes out – she had been growing her hair for three years. Then I hacked it all off and made her look terrible.”

It’s an important part of the story, as Anne’s character Fantine becomes destitute and sells her hair to raise money to support her daughter Cosette.

“She was up for it right up to the very end. On the day we were going to do it she got all nervous and I’d not even had a practice. People were asking me if I ‘d got hairdressing skills and I said ‘no’ . I just said it’ll be all right it’ll just be a big pair of scissors that’s what they used in those days.”

But director Tom Hooper thought it would look more authentic if Anne’s hair was chopped with a knife. “The director said no ‘I want it to look really vicious we need you to be hacking at it with a knife,”’ says Nicola.

When we finished off the back and she sort of came to and she said: “I don’t know why I was so upset,” Nicola says. The actress carefully tied the discarded hair with ribbon and returned it to the actress.”I gave it back to her and there’s this thing called ‘Locks of love’ in America where they auction off celebrity’s hair and she did that to raise money for charity so a lot of good came out of it.”

HollywoodLifers, would YOU chop your hair off like Anne? Sound off below!

— Jennifer Tzeses

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