The Astounding Room In A Box

This amazing design that allows a four foot by three foot box to turn into an entire room of furniture.

Room in a Box Photo

Specializing in mobile living furniture, Casulo, a German design and furniture company, created an incredible room in a box.

The box includes a range of furniture that can more-than adequately fill any living space including a desk, a filing cabinet, an office chair, a pair of stools, a bed frame, a mattress, a wardrobe, and a set of shelves.

Room In A Box Compact Picture

Casulo Room In A Box

The idea of an entire room compactly provided in a single package has become so popular that one can now purchase a bedroom in a box from Amazon.


Shelves and Desk Casulo

Casulo Chair and Office Furniture

More Pictures Of The Room In A Box

Room in A Box Photograph

Casulo German Room Box Unpacking

Casulo Room Box Pictures

Completed Room

Casulo Bed Mattress Office Shelves Picture

The box stands at a very compact 120 by 90 centimeters (4 by 3 feet for Americans) and can amazingly be unpacked and set up in just under 6 minutes.

See below as the principle designers show how the box turns into a fully furnished room:

Video Of The Room In A Box
