This Is Us' Chrissy Metz, Justin Hartley on Pearsons' Future

A heart-stopping moment. This Is Us returns from its winter hiatus on Tuesday, January 10, and it can’t come back sooner for fans who have been twisting in the wind since Toby (Chris Sullivan) went into cardiac arrest in the Pearson home during last month’s cliffhanger. Costars Chrissy Metz (Kate) and Justin Hartley (Kevin) spoke exclusively to Us Weekly at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, January 8, to shed light on what’s next for the family. Check out video of their interviews above!

Metz, 36, reveals that Toby’s medical emergency will force Kate to come to terms with what she wants out of life, including whether to go through with her planned gastric bypass surgery and what’s next for her romantically. 

“I think that she really has to come to an understanding with herself about what she needs to do — because if she doesn’t love herself, she cannot be fully invested in this relationship,” the actress says.

She points out that Kate’s on-off boyfriend collapsing after professing his love for her is a sign that “it’s so important to really live in the moment and cherish what you have. So many times when we’re, like, bickering… Just love somebody. So I think that she’s going to really uncover a lot and really discard a lot that she’s been holding on to physically through her weight, and emotionally.”

Meanwhile, Hartley, 39, tells Us that Kevin will continue to mature as he focuses on producing Sloane’s play, not to mention finding his perfect match. “I can tell you that he absolutely is growing up right before our very eyes, maybe just a little bit later than normal people would, but he’s trying,” he says.

The hunk continues, “He’s discovered that his life is not going in the way he sort of had planned that it would go, and he’s actively changing it, taking on this play, producing the play, and he’s trying to find the love of his life, so he can share life experiences with this person. We’ll see that kind of start to go that way maybe.”

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This Is Us returns to NBC Tuesday, January 10, at 10 p.m. ET. 
