Tiffany Pollard Talks Plastic Surgery in New Interview

It's no secret that Tiffany Pollard — also known as "New York" — is a big advocate for plastic surgery, and during an exclusive interview with In Touch, the Scared Famous star revealed she plans on having more work done. The reality star admitted via phone that she's gone under the knife "six or seven times" already.

"I don't want to tell you, but I might get a little something tweaked in the near future, but I don't want to say what it is," she said via phone. So far, Tiffany has had "fat buccal pads removed from [her] jawline, a mini-lift, [her] nose done, and [she thinks she] had [her] breasts done three or four times." We certainly can't wait to see what she does next!

When asked if she regrets any of the procedures she's undergone, the I Love New York alum replied with, "I have to say, if we're being 100 percent honest, I regret getting my nipples removed and put back on so many times, because, with each time, you remove some of the sensitivity, so just going up and down in my cup sizes were fine, but they have to remove the nipple every time they do that. So I am missing some of the sensitivity."

Tiffany even shared that if she were to have a daughter, she would be supportive if she wanted to alter her appearance. "Let's say, for instance, she had my nose. My original nose and she wanted to come down a few sizes. I think as long as she had a good, healthy self-esteem and she was feeling like I was feeling at some point, that the nose has to slim in a little bit, I would totally be there for her as long as she was getting it for the right reasons," she explained. "I would definitely let my daughter go under the knife and get a nose job or anything else, as long as her self-esteem is in the correct place."

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